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Tuna and Natto Folded Kimbap

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Total time: 10 minutes

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Serves 1

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5.3 grams of fibre per serving

This recipe may contain common and less common allergens, such as soy / dairy products / wheat / eggs / nuts / shellfish.


¼ cup - Brown rice, medium-grain, pre-cooked

⅛ tsp - Sesame oil

1 dash - Salt

3g - Nori sheet, roasted

1 tb - Natto

20g - Avocado, raw, thinly sliced

30g - Tuna fish, light, canned in water, drained solids

1 tb - Hummus dip, commercial

2 leaves - Green lettuce, fresh


Scissor, Chopping board, Knife


1. Combine the cooked brown rice, sesame oil and salt in a bowl. Set aside.

2. Combine the tuna and hummus in a bowl. Set aside.

3. Place the nori sheet on a flat clean surface with the rough side up. Cut a slit vertically halfway through the nori sheet using scissors.

4. Arrange the brown rice mixture on the bottom right corner of the nori sheet and spread it thinly. Add natto on top of the rice.

5. Arrange the sliced avocado in the top right corner.

6. Arrange the tuna mixture in the top left corner.

7. Arrange the lettuce in the left bottom corner.

8. Finally, fold the kimbap from the right bottom corner (rice) over the avocado to tuna then, the lettuce portion. Serve.


1 serving = about 190g

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Energy (kcal)


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Carbs (g)


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Proteins (g)


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Fats (g)


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Fibre (g)


10 Anson Road, #22-02, International Plaza, Singapore 079903


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