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Curry Fish

Frame (7).png

Total time: 30 minutes

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Serves 5

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5.5 grams of fibre per serving

This recipe may contain common and less common allergens, such as soy / dairy products / wheat / eggs / nuts / shellfish.


500g - Mackerel fish

2 tb - Curry paste

10g - Ginger, ground

40g - Garlic, minced

60g - Shallots, minced

10g - Mustard seeds

10g - Fenugreek

20 leaves - Curry leaves

1 tb - Vegetable oil

¼ cup - Low fat milk

1 tb - Tamarind

½ cup - Hot water

1 big - Tomato, cut into 6 wedges

200g - Okra, cut into lengths of 2 inches

¼ tsp - Salt


Wok, Chopping board, Knife


1. Mix the tamarind with ½ cup of hot water. Set aside.

2. Heat the cooking oil in a wok over medium-high heat.

3. Add the mustard seeds and fenugreek to the wok. Stir fry for 2 minutes.

4. Add the curry leaves, garlic, shallots and ginger. Sauté for a few minutes until the shallots become translucent.

5. Add the curry paste and cook for a few minutes.

6. Then add the tamarind water and salt. Bring the mixture to a boil.

7. Add the fish and okra. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

8. Add the tomatoes and cook for 5 minutes.

9. Finally, add the low-fat milk and cook for 2 minutes.

10. Serve immediately.


1 serving = about 243g

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Energy (kcal)


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Carbs (g)


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Proteins (g)


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Fats (g)


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Fibre (g)


10 Anson Road, #22-02, International Plaza, Singapore 079903


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