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Cold Somen Noodles

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Total time: 15 minutes

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Serves 4

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5.7 grams of fibre per serving

This recipe may contain common and less common allergens, such as soy / dairy products / wheat / eggs / nuts / shellfish.


180g - Noodles, Japanese, somen, dry

½ cup - Edamame, frozen, thawed

120g - Mushrooms, shiitake, sliced into 1 cm thick

300g - Tofu, silken, cut into 2 cm cube

2 (approx 30g) - Medium, onions, spring or scallions, finely chopped

150 mL - Water

30g - Yamasa - Kombu Tsuyu-Seasoning Sauce


Saucepan, Colander, Cooking pot, Mixing bowl, Chopping board, Knife


1. Boil the water in a medium-size saucepan and add the somen noodles. Stir noodles with a chopstick and boil for approximately 2-3 mins.

2. Drain somen in a colander and cool it in running water. Drain again, transfer in a bowl, cover and chill in the refrigerator.

3. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and slice them into 1cm thick. Blanch it in boiling water for 3 mins. Drain the mushroom and set it aside.

For the Sauce:

1. Mix equal parts of water and konbu tsuyu seasoning. Set aside.

For Plating:

1. Equally divide the chilled somen noodles into four serving bowls.

2. Arrange sliced tofu, edamame, and shiitake mushrooms on the top of the noodles.

3. Garnish it with spring onions on top.

4. Pour about 1/4 cup of the sauce in each bowl and serve cold.


1 serving = about 223g

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10 Anson Road, #22-02, International Plaza, Singapore 079903


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