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Chicken Inasal with Quinoa Salad.jpeg

Apple Seafood Fried Rice

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Total time: 25 minutes

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Serves 4

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19 grams of fibre per serving

This recipe may contain common and less common allergens, such as soy / dairy products / wheat / eggs / nuts / shellfish.


A pinch - Salt, Pan salt, low sodium

⅔ rice bowl - Leftover brown rice, cooked

1 teaspoon - Corn oil

30g - Prawns, shelled and diced

1 whole pieces - 1 whole apple, diced into fine pieces

1 large piece - Whole egg

1 teaspoon - Shallots, diced

950g - Fresh basil

550g - Pearled barley (soaked for 12 hours)


Stove, Rice Cooker, Measuring Cup, Weighing Scale, Chopping board, Knives, Sauté Pan, Bowls, Spatula, Metal Spoon


1. Heat corn oil in a sauté pan. Add the shallots and stir-fry for 1–2 minutes.

2. Add prawns and stir-fry for 2–3 minutes over high-heat until they are   cooked.

3. Break the eggs into the pan and stir quickly to scramble the eggs.

4. On a medium heat, add in the cooked rice and soaked barley, stirring it to mix well. Continue cooking for a further 15 minutes.

5. Add in the diced apple, basil, and a pinch of salt, stir-frying for another 5   minutes.

6. Transfer to a serving dish. Serve hot.


1 serving = about 473g

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Fibre (g)


10 Anson Road, #22-02, International Plaza, Singapore 079903


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